We have developed courses and educational material related to our research topics. Dr. Cescon regularly teaches the following classes at the University of Houston:
Mechanics II: Dynamics (MECE3336) – undergraduate
Course topics: kinematics of particles, kinetics of particles, work and energy, kinetics of systems of particles, plane kinematic of rigid bodies, plane kinetics of rigid bodies [syllabus]
Learning Meets Systems and Control (MECE 6397) – graduate
Course topics: feedback fundamentals, robust control, adaptive control, learning dynamical systems, data-driven control, reinforcement learning [syllabus]
Featured projects developed by students during the course can be found here.
Mechanical Engineering Project Design (MECE6368) – graduate
This Mechanical Engineering Project Design course provides the student with the opportunity to work on a specific topic or issue of interest that might not otherwise be available in a structured course [syllabus]